Salsa & Bachata Oefenavond // Concertzaal
alsa en bachata oefenavond.
Locatie: Trefpunt concertzaal.
Adres: Walter De Buckplein 5, 9000 Gent centrum.
We beginnen op elke dinsdag:
We start on every Tuesday:
Comenzamos los martes:
Dan gaan we op elke woensdag:
Then we go on every wednesday:
Luego vamos para los miercoles:
Wednesday – Miercoles – Woensdag 7 juni

Wednesday – Miercoles – Woensdag 14 juni

Wednesday – Miercoles – Woensdag 21 juni

Wednesday – Miercoles – Woensdag 28 juni

The goal is to promote Salsa and Bachata in Ghent-center where other genres are already known.
The evening starts with 2 dance workshops, followed by a practice evening.
Price for the workshops: 5 EUR per workshop!
FREE ENTRANCE for the practice evening after the workshops!
The program:
Dance workshops and practical night.

19:30 Salsa
Level: Open level.
Combinatie of figures & routines, that are easy to learn with the necessary technical explanation,
but with the main focus being fun.
Guest instructors: Iwona & Alain.
Price: 5 €

20:30 Bachata.
Level: Open level.
Guest instructors: Iwona & Alain.
Mix of traditional Bachata, Moderna & a touch of Sensual.
Price: 5 €

From 21:30 till 00:00 hours.
A new concept to practice salsa and bachata all styles.
The song list will be 50 percent salsa & 50 percent bachata with Pacha and guests.
The sequence of the songs will be:
Tuesday may the 16th: 2 salsa and 2 bachata.

Tuesday may the 23th: 1 salsa and 1 bachata.

Tuesday may the 30th: 2 salsa and 2 bachata.
Wednesday june the 07th: 1 salsa & 1 bachata.
Wednesday june the 14th: 2 salsa & 2 bachata.
Wednesday june the 21th: 1 salsa & 1 bachata.
Wednesday june the 28th: 2 salsa & 2 bachata.
Info parking:
There is parking around the church (Sint-Jacobs)
or in the underground parking of the Vrijdagsmarkt
Bicycle parking? Yes, outside
Food (fries or pasta) nearby? Yes
Bus nearby? Yes.
Taxi nearby? Yes
Hotel nearby? Yes
Org.LACCVZW In samenwerking met TrefpuntfestivalVZW.
Met de steun van dansscholen, lesgevers van Gent en rondom.