Panty On – Aphrodite // Concertzaal
Ready to fall in love? Charming, cunning and full of lust: Aphrodite awaits you. Come celebrate this beauty on the 30th of April in @trefpunt_festival
Every edition showcases the talents of two other performers besides myself and has 2 extra spotlight performances*!
Get ready for a line-up that will make you swoon: empress of the dark @krietjur and the unparalleled @dragcouenne are joining me on stage, whilst lovely @maison_particulier and @thecaramelle are taking their time in the spotlight!
Although this show is on Sunday, the day after is a holiday, so bring your best moves to the beats of @diablokahlo!
No tickets, free entry!
This show is powered by @alles_kan_gent en @stadgent .
* The spotlight performances are reserved spots for up and coming drag artists. Contact me if you want this spot, no previous stage experience required.